
Connec-T provides audio description services for live performances. Rely on our team to meet the needs of blind and visually impaired audience members.


Audio description is giving blind and visually impaired people the ability to “see with their ears”. Visual elements such as actions, costumes, and sets are described live during the show to allow these members of the audience to grasp all the subtleties of what is taking place on stage. The audio-descriptive text will also explain, in the introduction, the information that is found in the playbill of the show or opera regarding the synopsis of the show and the character descriptions.

Connec-T develops the descriptive script from A to Z, in close collaboration with the show’s production team. Additional microphones are also installed on stage and routed to our system to allow the amplification of the actors’ voices for hearing impaired spectators. Our Connec-T Experts are onsite on show days/nights to assist blind, visually impaired, and hearing impaired spectators with downloading and connecting to the app to tune in to the audio description or sound enhancement. These features are only heard by the spectators using our app, via earbuds connected hearing aids. This allows them to have access to the accommodations they require, without disturbing the performance for the rest of the audience.


Follow us to stay abreast of the projects we are involved in or to know what is happening in the accessible cultural community!


Hearing aid

Connec-T uses Sennheiser Mobile Connect's system that allows up to 100 users to be connected at the same time for an event. Regular amplification support systems only for 5 users to be linked at the same time.

Venues are usually not equiped at all or have lots of issues with their system (lack of training, technical difficulties, stigma of big headphones, etc.). Connec-T offers a no fuss approach for the venues and productions. There is no equipment to troubleshoot or store. The audience member uses his own cellphone with the free Sennheiser MobileConnect app.

Connec-T also has a hearing and/or visually impaired audience looking for adapted events, wich helps venues and productions' audiences get bigger.

Download the app


Grand premiere yesterday afternoon at Théâtre la Marjolaine - July 30, 2023

A grand premiere took place yesterday afternoon at Théâtre la Marjolaine. We adapted the play Newton et les corps célestes with audio description.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s the testimony of a delighted blind audience member.

Thank you to Valérie Gagnon-Laniel for her excellent work as a live audio describer.

The Festival des Amateurs de Théâtre in Victoriaville - July 11, 2022

The Festival des Amateurs de Théâtre in Victoriaville has figured out how to attract and retain hearing-impaired audience members.

The Désilets Galarneau Hearing Aid Clinic fully funded the festival.

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